Monday 29 July 2024

Walking Down Through Alexandra Park

I've walked through Alexandra Park not a few times, and written about it too, for example this blog from 8 Years ago, and today I came down from Upper Park Road to Queens Road. Mostly, this blog will be photographs from today, plus a few references.
One of the ponds, lakes, reservoirs and waterways of the Park, with water lilies in the sun.
The Pumphouse Cafe, which I wrote about a couple of months ago (blog).
A Rose Garden in the Park.
A combination of sadness at the condition of what was the Bowling Green, but reminder of the use of the pavilion being turned over to Art in the Park (blog).
And the most southerly water feature in the Park, just to my left were 3 ducklings and their parents being fed by a young family; I didn't want to disturb them, so took the photograph from here, and I had a seat... I hope you enjoyed the photographs, you really should take a wander through Alexandra Park, folks, worth it indeed!

Sunday 28 July 2024

Don't be a Tosser! Anti-litter Campaign.

Hastings Borough Council are again in the middle of an anti-litter campaign, for example on posters, facebook and twitter (wants to be called X), and it's amusing they've returned to the Don't be a Tosser message, well it amuses me! Indeed, it's a phrase I've often used and an ex-colleague (R.I.P.) used to tell me how much she missed my using this, well, it's better than the alternative. And a wee bit more litter humour in the image below, I do have a sense of humour!

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Hastings Lifeboat Open Day Saturday 27th of July 2024

This Saturday (27th of July 2024) will see Hastings RNLI Emergency Services Open Day (facebook). This will be held at Hastings Lifeboat Station and on The Stade Open Space in front of the station from 10.00am to 4.00pm; that is 10.00 to 16.00 hours.
You are invited to see how the Shannon Class RNLI 13-28 The Richard and Caroline Colton and Hastings RNLI Emergency Services work; also see video. Enjoy the informative day folks!

Saturday 20 July 2024

Hastings Pirate Day/Weekend 2024

There's always plenty happening in Hastings, but this weekend also includes Hastings Pirate Day 2024 (Weekend 20/21 July 2024), what more can I say?!? Ever since Hastings recorded the Guinness Book of Records standing record of the number of pirates in a single area, that is on the beach in Hastings in 2012 (14,231 above), we've been waiting for our Cornish piratical chums in Penzance to catch up, and they still haven't! So, it's yet more chance for Hastings folk to dress up and enjoy themselves and, of course, there will be drums and music aplenty!
An early warning sign that the seafront between central Hastings and the Old Town will be closed to traffic tomorrow (Sunday 21st) between Noon and 1.00pm, more of later... Today, though, do not be surprised to see a few pirates around, indeed, there will be a piratical presence in many places around the Old Town all weekend, including a craft market at the Stade and workshops for children by the Aquarium, and much more, see the website for the programme.
On Sunday the reason for the temporary road closure will become clear, as there will be a procession (route above) between the America Ground and the Old Town. The procession will begin forming up outside OWENS/the old Debenhams building from 11.30am tomorrow (Sunday the 21st of July), leaving at 1.00pm, and heading along the seafront road to the Stade Open Space in the Old Town, where many will disperse around the Old Town, or stay to sample the delights around Rock-a-Nore and the Stade (programme). Enjoy the weekend me 'arties!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Lighter Breakfast on Hastings Pier...

I was passing Hastings Pier earlier, and on another impulse I decided to sit in the shade of the Pavilion, and have a late-ish breakfast sandwich at Casa De Pier (facebook). The view for me (above) was lovely, the lapping of water on the shore below me was relaxing, I was sitting in the shade to cool down (I had been walking in the sunshine along the promenade) on the west side, close up to the building to keep out of gulls' views, hopefully, and I was successful.
I asked for a mug of tea and a bacon sandwich, then as a second thought asked for mushrooms as well please. What I got is shown in the image immediately above; I'd already started drinking the tea. Not quite the bacon and mushroom sandwich in untoasted bread I was expecting (would have been in a breadcake or other version of a bap elsewhere in the country), but bacon in toasted bread and mushrooms on the side, which I enjoyed immensely, and probably meant I received many more mushrooms than I would have got in a straight sandwich, and I love mushrooms. Not bad at all for a little over a fiver, I shall return, no doubt about that, nice one!

Monday 15 July 2024

Breakfast at the Dugout Cafe, St Leonards

I haven't eaten an English Breakfast at a cafe for ages, but spontaneously dropped in (or up into) the Dugout Cafe, Seaside Road, St Leonards TN38 0AL (facebook), as I walked down towards it this morning, and a couple of friends were heading for it recently, when I was in the area, so I presumed it was decent. They reopened in March this year, presumably under new management, and haven't finished refurbishing the downstairs yet, hence the up into, and not suitable for wheelchair users yet; the stairs are quite steep.
The menu is quite varied, but I was here for the breakfast, so ignored the rest, I didn't want 2 sausages, as they're not my favourite part of a breakfast, so I went for the Small Breakfast, but with mushrooms as an extra (I do like my mushrooms, and they were good), and a mug of tea from the off. The breakfast (below) included 1 sausage, not bad quality, but deep fried to reheat, presumably, so a bit tough skin-wise, and 2 rashers of bacon, which were a bit overcooked, so I'm guessing they'd been cooked earlier and kept warm; it was about 10.30.
The baked beans were, well, baked beans, hard to alter unless you add Worcestershire Sauce, and the egg was freshly fried, nice yellow yolk, perfect runniness. The Hash Brown was deep fried too, I imagine, so a wee bit oily, but the toast was just perfect, spread with butter, but I presume I could ask for it not to be, but what the heck, I'm treating myself!
The view from where I sat (above image), by the top right-hand window in the first image, shame about the telegraph pole, but still a nice view out to sea. This is across where the old lido used to be (Lost Lidos). The service was very friendly from the 2 young women working there, speedy, and efficient. The room was clean and bright, and the toilets looked clean too, although I didn't need to use them. My breakfast with tea came to £9.00, which I thought was good value for what was on the plate. Now a period of abstinance before my next Full English.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Hastings Pier - Oh Dear!

Can you see anyone on the Pier in the above photograph? I can't! Whatever, I've left this blog for nearly a week, mostly, because I was waiting for the Pier management to get back to my message to them on facebook, which they haven't yet...
Halfway down the Pier are these fences, either side of the Deck Building in the centre of the Pier. So, I'm a lot fed up that you cannot get onto half the Pier, that is, the half that is furthest into the sea and includes the binoculars/scopes furthest into the sea, thus giving good vision to the east and west, let alone the Channel. The half you can see below is what you cannot walk along, because of the fencing, and because it is set up for football and music concerts.
So the hard earned pennies that many local people donated to help save the Pier, plus £millions from the Heritage Fund, basically to reopen it and extend the promenade for local people and visitors to enjoy. Well we can't! The latest management obviously just want to make money, and the owner just wants to make money until he can sell the Pier, that's capitalism for you, but the Pier was saved by the Community, not Capitalism! We now have to accept that during the Summer, you can't get onto half of the Pier, the other half set up for children, during the rest of the year it is closed down completely, but what could have been (blog), and what a shame!

Friday 5 July 2024

Congratulations to Helena Dollimore!

Congratulations to Helena Dollimore, who was elected as the Member of Parliament for Hastings and Rye constituency yesterday (BBC).

Thursday 4 July 2024

July the 4th... Today's the Day!

So, today is the day to chose the British Government for the next 5 years. Remember that you now need to take photo ID with you if you want to vote today. If you turn up at the polling booth without photo ID, you will not be allowed to vote. Acceptable photo ID includes an original (not photocopied) Passport, Driving Licence, Older or Disabled Persons' Bus Pass, Freedom Pass, other Concessionary Travel Cards and SmartPasses, PASS Card, and EEA ID cards. For full details of acceptable photo ID go to the Electoral Commission website.
The ID policy was introduced last year, if you want further details, and of how it went for elections last year and by-elections, go to this Parliamentary Research Briefing. For further details go to the Electoral Commission website. Best of luck folks! X

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Independence Day 4th July 2024 - OK, General Election Day!!

You don't need to take your poll card with you to the polling station, but you do need to take photo ID if you want to vote at the general election tomorrow, the 4th of July 2024. If you turn up at the polling booth without photo ID, you won't be allowed to vote. Acceptable photo ID includes an original (not photocopied) Passport, Driving Licence, Older or Disabled Persons' Bus Pass, Freedom Pass, other Concessionary Travel Cards and SmartPasses, PASS Card, and EEA ID cards. For full details of acceptable photo ID go to the Electoral Commission website. This policy was introduced last year to deter some from voting. If you want further details, and of how it went for elections last year and by-elections, go to this Parliamentary Research Briefing. For further details go to the Electoral Commission website. 👍 Don't lose your right to vote and don't forget people lost their lives fighting for your rights! Oh yes, and what a waste of taxpayers' money, the Government should have had the General Election on the same day as the local elections, just one day's costs not 2 in a year, oh well...😒

Muriel Matters House Re-Glazed

Yes, Muriel matters House has been re-glazed after the destruction of the windows (blog), I wonder if Hastings Borough Council has any money left in the kitty now?