Friday 10 May 2024

Alexandra Park and the Pumphouse Cafe & Deli!

I wandered through Alexandra Park earlier today, somewhere I have written about quite a few times, eg blog. The Park was designed by Robert Marnock, who had already designed the Botanical Gardens in London's Regents Park, and was opened by the Princess of Wales at the time, Princess Alexandra in 1882, later Edward VII's Queen Alexandra. Something I did notice, that I hadn't noticed before, was plenty of small fish swimming in the southernmost pond in the Park, I'm not an expert, but I think they may be rudd... 🐟
To support the fact I hadn't walked through the Park for quite some time I also came upon a cafe and delicatessen that has been open for 10 months now, as Rod pointed out to me; open Tuesday to Sunday, 08.30 am to 5.00 pm. That is, the Pumphouse Cafe & Deli, Alexandra Park, St Helens Road TN34 2EL (website), shows how long since I've walked through the Park! If you want to know more about the history of this venture, go to their website. I was on a different venture, so didn't sample their wares this time, but, another time maybe...

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