Friday 21 June 2024

Perpetrator in Custody & Muriel Matters House Reopens!

As I said in yesterdays blog, someone must have been upset by the Council, and that person is now in custody, I believe. Presumably kicked off the day before, and caught on CCTV, not only silly, but expensive too, for us, and for him/her!
Anyway, the windows are all boarded up now, so artificial light will be the order of the day there until new windows are installed, at our expense! I spoke with one of the lads boarding up, obviously nice emergency payout for them, and looked at the notices later on, which have to be exhibited so that the public is aware of what is going on, plus legally, for notice of the general election on the 4th of July (blog). As you can see below, Muriel Matters House is due to reopen today at 09.00.

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