Wednesday 27 May 2020

Covid-19 and now They're Back...

Photograph taken at 05.45 today

Well, Hastings was recently found to have the lowest Coronavirus Rate in England (blog), something to be very proud of as we went along with Johnson's Government rulings about staying indoors, and maintaining social distancing when we were out, whilst others, including members of the Government, and their aids it now appears, did not... Also, despite refugees landing in Hastings in April (Hastings Observer).

But then Johnson declared that anyone in England could drive to Hastings and other seaside resorts and sunbath on the beaches (Mirror), with no thought to the lack of facilities that are closed because of the Coronavirus Crisis, notably public toilets; and shops, pubs, bars and restaurants, that is, other places where toilet facilities may be used in normal times. Consequently, Hastings was inundated with visitors over the long weekend (aren't they all long these days?!?) and having to urinate in public spaces, and we await with bated breath the result of that siege on the Coronavirus Rate in Hastings, and presumably with more and more visits every weekend from now on, unless a second outbreak brings back tougher lockdown measures in the future...

Now, we have been blessed with the car park at Rock a Nore being broken into overnight, with the padlock/chain broken (presumably this will be on film provided by the many CCTV cameras in the area) and, at my last count, 12 caravans and caravanettes now illegally parked there. Travellers already have problems with health care, and Katherine Quarmby (paper) suggests that their communities are already "buckling from the impact of the pandemic." Indeed, a "disaster waiting to happen."  

I am concerned... Be careful folk, look after yourselves!

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