Friday 19 June 2020

Another Weekend - What is Normality?!?

Another weekend is upon us, the FOURTEENTH without pubs being open, and we are hoping to return to 'normality' some time soon? Holiday parks are soon to reopen, but with limitations, public toilets have reopened with limited hours, shops have reopened, well some of them, but with limitations, takeaway food and even drinks have got going again, but with limitations, from this weekend there will be a RNLI Lifeguard on Pelham Beach, so you are limited to swimming in that 'safe' spot... You can meet up with up to 5 people from other households, in an open space, and providing you all stay at least 2 metres apart, indeed, you can go into a partnership with anyone and make your own 'support bubble' and behave as if you live in the same household as that partner. In England you can drive to anywhere you like, in England, but you cannot travel on public transport to anywhere you want unless you have a reason agreed to by the Government, or whatever officialdom interprets as an acceptable reason... 

In fact, you are actively discouraged from travelling by public transport, which creates a divide regarding civil liberties, people with cars are allowed to travel to wherever they want, in England, but if you do not have a car or motorbike you are stuck within walking distance so you have not got true freedom of movement. Also, after years of trying to convince people that for health reasons, and environmental reasons, they should use public transport and get out of the car and walk, we are now being told to jump in a car and drive to anywhere we want, which is okay if you have a car, but what a contradiction! I can go into a 'support bubble' with anyone I want to, providing they want to too, indeed can hug that person if we both agree to, but I cannot visit my next of kin and hug family members. This is NOT normal... 

Trying to get frustration off my chest, thank you 😥

Have a good weekend and stay safe...

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