Thursday 19 February 2015

From Dawn till Dusk - The Day After

Early on the day after Fat Tuesday saw the often unrecognised heroes, the workers, clearing the streets of the debris left by those who revelled into the early hours, it also saw this gorgeous sunrise. I spoke to publicans in 2 Old Town hostelries, in 1 of which the Fat Tuesday organisers were celebrating the success of the event, enjoying lunch in the FILO, cheers to Bob et al! Here, Adam, son of Mr Bigg, said that the FILO was extremely busy on Fat Tuesday (which I can vouch for!) and the variety and quality of the music was "second to none!" As usual, many of the visitors to the pub appeared to be trawling venues, or following particular acts...    

Thanks to Fat Tuesday peeps for this photograph

Mark Little, though, found that many people settled for the evening at the Dolphin, maybe because of their good variety of real ales on the bar, as 4-5 firkins of ale were consumed in the evening, ie well over 300 pints of ale, with wine getting a good drinking of too! Or maybe just because the Old Town was heaving, people being turned away from bars in George Street in particular, due to the large numbers already filling them. Mark added that it is a "testament to the people of Hastings that they filled so many venues, that the atmosphere was electric, and there was no trouble."  

Whatever, it was a hugely successful event again and, despite the cold, it remained nice and dry. Anyway, I thought I'd add a couple of photographs obtained from Google of how people in warmer parts of the World enjoyed their Mardi Gras, the photograph above being from New Orleans, with its especially music oriented event, as in Hastings...   

Or, where it is even warmer, as obvious from the photograph above, ie in the more catholic country of Brazil; it's on my bucket list, by the way, certainly at festival time!

Oh yes, to dusk...

Looking forward to next year already!

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