Sunday 2 August 2020

Sunday Ramble, and revised public loos opening times...

As I mentioned an update about the public toilets opening times I thought I'd get it out of the way first, meaning you don't have to read through my rambling to get there. On my way back from my daily exercise/walk I met up with Judy who informed me that the public toilets at the Stade and those at the Pelham Beach car park, are now open from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm daily, or from 09.00 to 22.00 in 24 hour-clock-speak.

Above is the wee stream that descends Warren Glen, this morning at about 06.35, now I think it's quite cute, and the lighting wasn't too bad, considering, however... 

Before I reached Warren Glen I had a very quiet start to the morning, I saw a couple of lads from a distance in the town centre soon after leaving home, I think they were either acting suspiciously at 05.20 in the morning, or they feel the cold! They both had hoods up, it looked like from jackets, but they were a way away, so they could have had hoodies up plus jackets on top, anyway folks, was this suspicious, do you think, or are modern day youths just that soft? I'm wearing a polo shirt at the time... 😉 

Oh, and I didn't see anyone else until I got up to Barley Lane, when I think it was Neil and his wife walking along in front of me, at pretty much the same speed as me, so I didn't catch up with them before I turned off right, and down into Fairlight Glen, where I actually met someone for the first time. It was about 8 someones actually, all aged somewhere between nappies and 18, probably about 15/16 years of age, give or take, but acting closer to 12. I was nice and friendly, as I always am, said 'hello' and smiled, all I got back was some strange animal noises from one or two of them, giggles, and a shouted "BALDY!" Now, they'd probably been out all night, I couldn't smell alcohol, so I'm guessing they'd been sniffing gas (which I have mentioned in a blog before), seems to be the drug of choice for youngsters these days, and the only reason I can imagine for 8 young lads to be spending the night 'out in the country' together...

This (above photograph of pony and Warren Glen) is after I had passed the posse, and walked back over into Warren Glen, took the photograph of the stream, carried on up to Firehills and the far eastern edge of Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve, then walked back to above Warren Glen, where I had a wee chat, more sensible discourse this time, with the 6 ponies (the other 5 are to our left/the east of the photograph). 

But I had been walking along, musing about my own teens, and how I had never taken drugs (a big NO NO for my parents, and for me, fortunately), but had enjoyed the similar benefits of testosterone and adrenaline, played football most of the time, or watched football, or tried to 'get off' with girls, sometimes did, sometimes got into fights (another big NO NO for my parents was carrying a knife, so I never did, fortunately, my mum always said that if you carry a weapon and get in a fix, you'd use it, she was most likely correct there, indeed, my brothers and I weren't even allowed one of those wee little penknives!). Oh yes, and we used to go to clubs to meet girls, drinking in a pub beforehand, or to parties with alcohol (usually a large bottle of cider or a Party Seven), and like all youngsters, we knew which pubs we could get away with drinking in whilst underage... But where did those 50 years go?!?

Thank you for bearing with my rambling, it was pretty quiet for birds this morning, but I shall be writing my latest 'Bird Blog' very soon, anyway, cheers folks and be careful!

And I didn't even mention Led Zeppelin (youtube) 😉

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