Wednesday 25 November 2015

Yet MORE Anti-Social Behaviour!

I don't feel the need to take a photograph of an offending pile, but you know what I mean today! OK, I know I moan about anti-social behaviour every now and then, but it really is not nice... I walked out of my front door a few weeks ago, which opens directly onto the pavement, and you can guess what I just about missed stepping in, and this wasn't the first time! Indeed, a friend of mine had the misfortune to step into mess recently, and the frequency of having to dodge piles of poo isn't decreasing. Sort it out dog owners, as with most things, the vast majority are decent human beings, but...   

While I'm moaning, I'll repeat a moan about cyclists riding on pavements, notably, when a cycle path is close by... Just a thought, why doesn't it become legal for cyclists to ride on pavements instead of a cycle path if close by, then pedestrians could use the cycle path (which cyclists would be banned from), or shall we then call it a 'footpath'?!?

Further thoughts... What about licences for both dogs and cycles, could be totally self-financing and it would help to create jobs?

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