Saturday 27 June 2020

Sheer Barn, Carpentry, Decking AND Priory Meadow Car Park

In a recent blog I mentioned that Shear Barn (website) was reopening soon with a clear 3 phase plan for 2020, and, on that day, there were 2 large new toilet block units arriving (since arrived blog), well, they're not where I last photographed them (above), in the past 2 days they have been moved to a more permanent location in the touring field, and two units are uniting and becoming one toilet block!

Here's a toilet block prepared from last year, with decking around, looking good (above). I had an idea I know who carried out this work, checked since, and I am correct. It is Lee of L S Carpentry, who previously voluntarily helped us out using his considerable carpentry skills, unpaid, thus helping Hastings Fishermen's Museum too, when we carried out refurbishment of the Museum's outdoor exhibit RX134 Stacey Marie (facebook page). I've referred to him before, because one good turn deserves another, and it isn't just that one time he has helped us out with her, but on many occasions. Therefore, and this is unsolicited, again, if you want a good local carpenter, Lee fits the description, and can be contacted at 👍 

And the 2 new toilet block units? Well, as you can see from the photograph above, they are becoming one, which I hadn't figured out until I received some advice from Yvonne on twitter, many thanks. They are now waiting to have their union completed, electricity and water supplies connected and Lee's decking to be added, presumably. I returned this morning (Sunday 28th) to take this photograph and, have edited this blog to include the new information and to be more accurate; I own up to never having walked through these fields before, mainly because they've had people camping in them, therefore I always use Barley Lane, anyway, thanks again to Yvonne!

And Priory Meadow Car Park? I mentioned in a blog way back in early April that the car park was free, well, as I was walking back home from my daily early morning walk, I noticed they are charging again now, a sign of the town centre getting back to normal... Indeed, not now left to just the 4-10 'social drinkers' that loiter, and generally appear to have a good time, near the bus stop by Jempson's, the public is returning!

Be careful out there folks, Covid-19 is still about!

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