Saturday 8 January 2022

Walk-in COVID-19 Boosters In Hastings Today, Saturday 8th.

If you haven't had your COVID-19 Booster yet, and it has been at least 3 months since your second COVID-19 Vaccination, you can receive it today, Saturday 8th January 2022*, without the need for an appointment, at Hastings Town Hall, Queens Road/Priory Square TN34 1TL, and at the Hastings Centre, The Ridge TN34 2SA.

Hastings Town Hall - 10.00am to 3.00pm, use entrance opposite Priory Meadow.

Hastings Centre -  10.00am to 3.00pm.

*Information from Hastings Borough Council Facebook Page.


  1. Until the young can be persuaded to have the jab(s) and/or wear a mask this thing will never go away. When I confronted 5 or 6 young unmasked boys 'in Tesco recently, and challenged them about not wearing masks, this old lady - who is not normally prone to violence - could have cheerfully punched every one of them. "I'm an anti-vaxxer", piped up one spotty youth; "I'm exempt, I have asthma" shouted another, to which I replied 'all the more reason to stay safe then'...but they were having none of it and sped off on their getaway bikes. They were smug little rebels who, I am guessing, have not yet been educated in the potential danger of catching this virus, nor do they care if they spread it.

    1. It's a bit sad, and a lot worrying, but I do all I can to ensure my own safety, vaccinations definitely, and I do as much as possible to ensure the safety of others... If anti-vaxxers don't believe in the disease or vaccine, and they fall ill, as I have known personally, one just out of ICU after 3 months there, and a friend's brother died, then they are the ones risking themselves and others, which is definitely anti-social, but their choice, sadly.
