Not much has happened, to me anyway, since Lockdown Mark 2 began... I've walked quite a bit over my first lockdown regular route across Hastings Country Park Local Nature Reserve, and not been inside a pub. 😒 But I have seen a few people I know/have as new friends because of my first lockdown wandering (mostly dog walkers), and been beeped by passing vehicles with drivers I know (not just because I stepped into the road in front of them 😉). Anyway, yesterday was a lovely day to walk, even if a bit misty, for example, the photograph looking back westwards above.
At Fairlight and looking back across Warren Glen (above), still a wee bit misty but it was a lovely bright day yesterday... But, before I go on about walking, I shan't keep you in suspense about the COVID-19 incidence in Hastings. I shall link you to SussexLive, which tells us that Hastings has the lowest incidence of COVID-19 in England and Wales, if not quite in the UK, apparently the incidence in the Scottish Highlands is lower. Anyway, I have regularly reported about the low incidence in Hastings, which SussexLive tells us is now the equivalent of 31.3 cases per 100,000, compared to the average of 167 per 100,000 in England (BBC). Obviously it's healthy in Hastings! 👍
So, back to my walking, but to my equivalent walk today, and I took this photograph from the steps up the East Hill of one of the catamarans coming in to land at about 07.20, again, a wee bit misty, but not so bad really, and great to see the fishing fleet still going out, about 5 fishing boats were missing from the beach as far as I could see...
I walked over to Fairlight again, pleased to hear quite a bit of chatter among the birds accompanying me, particularly Robin song, where it was a bit more misty than back in Hastings town (Warren Glen above), and I thought I'd share a comparative image:
One of the original 19th century Pre-Raphaelite artists, William Holman Hunt painted Fairlight Downs, Sunlight on the Sea (immediately above) looking down from about 20-30 yards to the right of where I took the photograph of Warren Glen (above) this morning. This painting is now in the private collection of Andrew Lloyd Webber; if you want to read about other links between the Pre-Raphaelites and Hastings, please go to this blog which I wrote a few years ago and, believe me, there are many connections!
Back in Hastings, and it is certainly quieter than usual, as you'd expect, but nowhere near as quiet as during the first lockdown, and certainly more traffic on the roads.
Anyway, please stay safe folks, mind your social distancing, wear face coverings where required, and wash hands regularly, very important... Look after yourselves!
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