Sunday 22 November 2020

Christmas Tree & Decorations: But isn't this still November?!?

I first noticed that Christmas lights had gone up when I was out for my daily exercise (walking) early-ish on Tuesday morning, and since then, on Thursday, 5 Christmas Trees were erected around the Borough of Hastings, including this one (above) in the town centre. The early advent of Advent (officially begins a week from today) this year, and around the country, appears to have been stimulated by a campaign started in Nottingham to 'boost' mental health (BBC), a very worthy proposition indeed. 👍

It would be churlish of me to not support this campaign, particularly as I'm a retired RMN, but am I the only person wondering why, with lockdown lasting until the 2nd of December at the earliest, consequently, no-one out and about during the night, and most of the evening for that matter, lights are lit for hours and not being appreciated by the good folk of Hastings? Seems like a waste of energy and money to me... 😔

But let's trust things will improve asap, be careful folks and please watch out for each other: wash your hands regularly still, wear face coverings where appropriate, maintain social distancing, and respect each other always, and Best Wishes to all. 💓 

Together, we can beat COVID-19, roll on the 3rd of December, and fingers crossed! 


  1. Nice Decoration. I must say festive string lights are the soul of any decoration.

  2. Many thanks for your comment, be safe!
