Wednesday 11 August 2021

I get knocked down...

Indeed, they get knocked down, but they do get up again, sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but it's almost like a game, that is the art exhibit outside Hastings Contemporary art museum in Rock-a-Nore Road, called Seawall, as I have written about before (eg blog). So, I've decided to have a wee bit of fun myself, because a couple of songs keep coming to mind, first of all Chumbawamba (Youtube).

Now, I do know that children enjoy climbing and playing on them, but I suspect there's something more afoot. I noticed the other day, when passing the exhibit just before 06.30, that it was fully erect (above), but by 07.30 it had fallen down again, hmmm...

Anyway, my second track and Declan McManus, aka Elvis Costello (Youtube).

I've enjoyed the music anyway 😉

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