I presume most people who read this blog will have already received a letter from Arron Banks, as the chair of Leave.EU, a right-winger with much too much money, it appears... In the past he bankrolled the Ukip, then, and now, he bankrolled Leave.EU, in fact, he's the biggest ever political donor in Britain! Anyhow, not understanding what 'representative democracy' means, it appears, he's trying to talk us all into joining the local Conservative & Unionist Party so that we can de-select the Home Secretary before the next general election!
Well, I may not agree with many of the policies our MP supports, indeed, I try not to be blatantly political in my blogs, but, surely, genuine members of the Conservative & Unionist Party, who have paid up their subs for years, chose her to represent the Tories at the last couple of elections, and the Hastings & Rye electorate chose her to represent the constituency at the last 2 general elections. Isn't it up to those people to decide whether she should win the seat again at the next general election, not some rich xenophobe who doesn't even live in the constituency?
Also, the letter is full of errors, notably that "52% of the electorate" - "voted to leave the European Union" - Indeed, 51.89% of those who could be bothered to vote did vote to leave the European Union, and, remember, many people were disenfranchised for the referendum, but the actual percentage of the electorate who voted to leave the EU was 37.1%, and only 26.5% of the British population.
The other error that stands out significantly is that we vote for MPs to represent the whole of the country, not just those people who voted for them; they are meant to work in the best interests of all, and, whatever our MP is doing, we must assume that she is doing it in the best interest of the whole country, as she sees it and believes is correct, whether we agree with her or not. So, the people of Hastings & Rye chose her as an MP, it should be up to the people of Hastings & Rye to either re-elect her or not at the next general election, not Arron Banks!