Yes, yesterday was the most exciting day of the year for me, sad me, a day trip to Eastbourne, "didn't I have a wonderful time the day I went to Eastbourne!" 🎵 And it was above board too, I kid you not, this was the 'Gatwick Express' train (from Hastings to Brighton, presumably Southern borrowed it) that I arrived in Eastbourne on. Indeed, I was here to visit the theatre, the Congress Theatre to be precise..

So I wound my way down to the Congress Theatre, behind The Stage Door here, which obviously wasn't open, though I could have enjoyed a pint of ale, but no, if you aren't already aware, the Congress Theatre is in a more modern building, part of The Welcome Building, I do believe. And, because I couldn't get an appointment in Hastings to receive my vaccination for COVID-19 after receiving a letter from the NHS sent to me 3 weeks ago, I went online on Wednesday and got a booking in Eastbourne for the next day, I wish I'd not waited! Apparently, Hastings had run out of vaccines by the end of last week and there would be no vaccinations given in Hastings this week.

Have to admit I was relieved to get this appointment, when I first looked online to book an appointment I was offered Crystal Palace football stadium, which I thought was a bit far to walk to, and back. So I managed to get an appointment somewhere a bit closer, which was also a bit far to walk to and back in the day, but not much more than a half hour trip on the Gatwick Express was infinitely better than getting to Crystal Palace!
Anyway, whilst I was there I popped down to the beach (above and, in the distance, you can even see Marine Court in Hastings, just), I didn't stay long here though, as my appointment was for 30 minutes later. So if you receive a letter from the NHS inviting you to book appointments for a vaccination, plus booster 12 weeks later, consider going online, and you can get a wee seaside day trip out of it; I'll not make any witty comments after that, but I'll leave it for you to make up your own. 😉
If it is your turn to receive the letter and make appointments, here is the
Stay safe folks!